Monday, July 27, 2009

Beauty Shop for Rent by Laura Bowers

Abbey has a plan. She is going to be a millionaire by the time she is 35. This is the only way she can break the cycle of sadness in her family. You see, her dad left and then her mom dropped her off with her great-grandma, Granny Po, and left. Granny Po runs a struggling beauty shop and Abbey works as many hours as she can to earn money. When someone comes into town to finally rent the run down shop, Abbey is worried her days of making money may end. However, with the help of the new manager Abbey opens her eyes and heart to the world around her. That is, until her mother shows back up.

I really enjoyed this book. It has just the right combination of drama (when Abbey's mom comes back), love (the hunky yard guy!), and humor (gotta love the Gray Widows-Granny Po's funny beauty shop friends).

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