Ever felt like you are the odd man (or woman) out in your family? Well, that is the way Autumn feels in her family. Beauty is the bossy oldest, Mim is the quiet beauty of the family, Faithful (now called Stevie) is the loudmouth, and Fancy is the spoiled sister that needs protecting. One night when Poppy and Mommy tell the family that they can't afford to keep them all and Stevie must be lended out, Autumn gets upset. When Nathan comes to pick up Stevie, Autumn has to get out of the house. She walks until she realizes she doesn't know her way home. She finds a man outside and he offers her a map in his house. What Autumn doesn't know is the man has been watching the girls for months. He has become obsessed with them. He takes Autumn in the house and locks her in a small room. Will Autumn make it out of the house? What is the man going to do?
The Missing Girl by Norma Fox Mazer is CREEPY. The point of view changes often in this story alternating between all of the sisters and the man. Very well written and worth a read if you liked A Child Called It. Just don't expect to think of things the same again.
The Missing Girl by Norma Fox Mazer is CREEPY. The point of view changes often in this story alternating between all of the sisters and the man. Very well written and worth a read if you liked A Child Called It. Just don't expect to think of things the same again.
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